Video Gallery
Synergy in Action: Breakthroughs from Our Horizon 2020 Partners | PRESERVE final event
The PRESERVE 2030 Innovation Roadmap and beyond. What does the future hold? | PRESERVE final event
PRESERVE key results | PRESERVE final event
Bio-based packaging - Navigating challenges and opportunities
PRESERVE PROJECT / Final event: The biobasedpackaging revolution
Bio-based packaging - Navigating challenges and opportunities
Upcycling Packaging: a White Paper on EU Research driving Sustainability
PRESERVE Training - Distributing Knowledge: EU Projects and Open Science
Bioplastic Recycling Challenges Gaps and Future Opportunities - PRESERVE event
PRESERVE Training. Biodegradation: one concept, many environments
Training on Safe and Sustainable by Design Framework: implementation in PRESERVE Project
PRESERVE Workshop - Designing a Decision Support System (DSS)
Bio-based coatings and food contact materials: PRESERVE’s research and regulatory insights
Upcycling strategies for the production of sustainable (bio)plastics - a Bio4Plastics webinar
Joining forces to end plastic waste - REWIND, PRESERVE and upPE-T with Horizon Results Booster
Fibre-based packaging in the circular economy: The role of Graphic Packaging in the PRESERVE project
Insights from the PRESERVE project
PRESERVE General Meeting - June 2022
JOINT WORKSHOP "Standardization in plastic and in circular economy"
JOINT WORKSHOP "Upcycling bio plastic of food & drink packaging"
PRESERVE - Everything deserves a better chance